We work with companies, foundations, public bodies and other organizations to support our actions towards our mission and vision for a greener and friendlier world for people and bees!

Since 2018, Apivita has been at the organization's side with a constant collaboration aimed at highlighting the importance and protection of bees, culminating in the BEE SCHOOL powered by APIVITA program, through which it supports free implementation of experiential educational workshops in schools in prefectures of Greece with high bee mortality rates.
Through the BEE SCHOOL program powered by APIVITA, 1266 students from 11 public primary schools have learned about the important role of bees in 5 prefectures of Greece since 2019. Through the BEE SCHOOL program we seek citizens of tomorrow to understand the key role of the bee in the life cycle and the preservation of biodiversity and to finally adopt positive practices protection of.
The Sani Bee Spot is the largest and first interactive Bee Spot in Greece, which aims to protect the bees and other pollinators found in the Sani Resort. The Sani Bee Spot is an innovative bee-friendly garden with 7 different stations. Each station offers us information about the biology of wild bees as well as live specimens of local bee species.

In 2021, as part of the British Embassy's program of activities to celebrate 200 years since the start of the 1821 Revolution and the Greek-British friendship and alliance, The Bee Camp won the second funding award after public call aimed at supporting Civil Society organizations for the implementation of small-scale actions and programs for the action entitled Seed Bombing Athens!.
In 2018, The Bee Camp won the Roots and Shoots Mini Grants to install a Bee Spot, a safe haven for urban bees in a school in Athens. The highlight of this collaboration is meeting Dr. Jane Goodall on her visit to Greece!

In 2021, Cheerios cereal supported The Bee Camp's action to create the #saveabee campaign to raise public awareness of the importance of bees' role in ecosystems. As part of this campaign, the educational digital game titled #SaveABee was created, which in a fun way shares interesting information about the world of bees as well as digital awareness and information material on simple ways to protect bees.
The 1% For The Planet is an organization that certifies that its member companies donate 1% of their annual profit to actions and organizations with a social and environmental nature. Since 2021 Bee Camp is a member of this global network that brings together businesses, organizations and citizens in their common struggle to create a fair and sustainable planet.

In 2019, the Pollination Project supported The Bee Camp with a “Grants for Social Change” award. The Pollination Project's goal is to create a dynamic global community of people who bring change for a better planet. With the financial prize of The Pollinator Project, a two-day Training for Trainers seminar was designed and implemented for the new members and volunteers of the Organization with the aim of creating a multiplying social and environmental impact.
For 5 consecutive cycles of hosting Social Dynamo (initiative of the Bodosakis Foundation) has chosen The Bee Camp as one of the groups it hosts and to which it offers comprehensive support centered on learning, professional support and networking from experienced mentors.

In 2019, within the Open Schools institution of the Municipality of Athens and in collaboration with the Peripatos organization, The Bee Camp was designed and implemented in primary schools of Athens summer camp program on the theme of reconnecting children with nature through a series of experiential and artistic actions.
Create Cultural Change
The start of The Bee Camp concept was developed in the framework of the START- Create Cultural Change program, a scholarship program for emerging cultural managers in Greece, which supports young creators to promote their cultural initiatives, which strengthen social cohesion in their local environment. The program is implemented through the Robert Bosch Foundation (Robert Bosch Stiftung) in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki and the Federal Association of Sociocultural Centers of Germany (Bundesvereinigung Soziokultureller Zentren eV) and is supported by the Ioannis S. Latsis Foundation and the Bodosaki Foundation.

The collaboration was born on the occasion of World Bee Day 2022. The initiative of TELEPERFORMANCE participating in a SEED BOMBING action that aims to inform citizens and raise awareness about the importance of the bees and pollinators in urban environments and inspires them to act in order to create a new blooming colorful world both for people and the bees!

The Swedish company cares about the environment and bees. On the roof of the building where the Embassy is housed, the biggest Bee Spot in the center of Athens is hosted, the #HotelSweden with the best view. A beautiful and safe haven for the city's solitary bees. A facility that combines plants rich in nectar and pollen (food) and a natural construction (insect hotel). The name of the hotel is of course Hotel Sweden!

Build a Bee Oasis. With the support of the Heinrich Boell Foundation we have created a green oasis friendly to biodiversity in the center of Thessaloniki in Parko Tsepi, Neighborhood of Svolos!
The action consisted of an awareness workshop about the importance of bees for the ecosystem, the economy and our diet and ended with the planting of many Mediterranean plants (rosemary, lavender, etc.), the bees favorite food, in the garden.

With the support of the CYCLADES PRESERVATION FUND, The Bee Camp team visits islands of the Cyclades and provides educational workshops to their students.
The presence of The Bee Camp in the islands of the Cyclades is completed with actions to raise awareness of the island community around the global issue of the decline of the bee population and the ways that one can act to protect them.

Through the POINTS OF SUPPORT program, the Ioannis S. Latsis Charitable Foundation finances the APPROACHING program in collaboration with the OffStream NGO, which aims to create original environmental education material for bees and biodiversity, appropriately designed to address children with partial or total vision loss advocating inclusion and de-marginalization.